Startled Guests
Earlier this week we had our friend from North Carolina, Alison, and her friend Amy visit us for a week. It has been strangely rainy and cold here. Tuesday night Roamer decided to make chili. It was a good way to head into winter. After eating our fill of chili and cornbread, we settled down in the livingroom to watch "The Lady in the Cage." It's a black and white film that is a little bit Hitchcock and a little bit Drive-In. It was one of James Caan film debutes. His head gets run over by a station wagon in the end - but he deserves it because he tried to kill the poor lady stuck in her own private elevator.

Although it was a bizarre and traumatic film, I drifted off to sleep because I was warm from the big bowl of chili and content to kick back with Roamer and our guests. Suddenly I was awakened by my own loud fart.

Roamer exclaimed loudly and pulled her shirt collar over her nose. The other guests were silent but their eyes got really big and they tried not to look at me. I guess no one likes being startled like that...

Although it was a bizarre and traumatic film, I drifted off to sleep because I was warm from the big bowl of chili and content to kick back with Roamer and our guests. Suddenly I was awakened by my own loud fart.

Roamer exclaimed loudly and pulled her shirt collar over her nose. The other guests were silent but their eyes got really big and they tried not to look at me. I guess no one likes being startled like that...
Too funny! :) I'm just glad to have documented proof that this can happen! SOME people who will remain nameless still argue that they never do such a thing in their sleep! ;)
Hilarious! If I were your guest I'd be thinking that I was glad it wasn't me, and that if I wanted to blame a silent and violent one on someone else this would be the perfect opportunity. :)
I would be laughing if I was there. I wouldn't be silent for once! I love fart stories. : )
ah yes..... chili is dangerous company food.
I can usually mke through just about everything - but don't give me a nice bowl with fritos & cheese and then expect me to play a game afterwards.
.. wait a minute, some of you know this story.
Oh that is a good one and I like the way you illustrated your story. I had your screen minimized so I didn't see your face until after I read about your suprise fart. I got the full affect of "whoops!"
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