40 years of hosing fun

This weed needs water. Too bad. It's on the other side of the fence and Roamer has declared it an enemy. I wanted to see Roamer wrestle it in her madness because, even though it is dead, is still taller and bigger around than my little Roamer. How do you rip something out of the ground that has leafs bigger than your thighs and thorns longer than your thumbs?

We bought this box in Provence, France last winter. It has gold Cicadas in it. They love cicadas in Provence. They market the little buggers that go "shweeyou shweeyou shweeyou" like a local treasure. I want to say "French dudes... these bugs walk down the gutters in Kansas..." When you open the leetle box, the leetle cicadas weegle back and forth and make that funny shweeyou noise. You have to wiggle it though.

Two weeks ago I got scared. The gold bugs would start making noise for no reason - even with the lid closed. I would reach out to tap the box and they would stop. I would walk away and they would start. I would start toward the box and it would stop again. Slowly walk away - START!. What weirdo freakin' spanish ghost dwarf is freakin' with me now HUH!?!?!?!
Reminds me of a story. I was watering the summer brown spots in our little yard this afternoon, taking care not to water that aforementioned dead monster weed that was staring at me across the fence. Roamer came out and I squirted her with the hose. It was fun. Suddenly I was trasported to 1966 in DeSoto, KS. I was 2.5 or 3 years old. My earliest memory was picking up a hot green hose one summer evening and using both my little chubby hands to squeeze the handle on the nozzle to squirt water. It was the neighbor's hose, so I pointed it at the two neighbor girls (whose patio I was tresspassing upon) and squirted them quite evenly. They ran screaming inside. I waited around. They came back out in their little dressy dresses. I hosed them pretty expertly this time, having had a little practice at this point. They ran in again. Out comes their Dad. He reaches down and yanks the hose away from my hands withour saying a word and hurls it into his garage and shuts the door. He had black hair. I remember!
Fortunately, I just got a light spraying, no need to change!
The cicadas are funny. They randomly make noise and sometimes won't stop unless you put something on top of the box.
To Dar flirting and squirting are the same thing. :)
This has been the summer of the cicadas. We have had a plagure of them this year and I have heard stories of people being attacked by them. I shook it off - attacked. I go on walks every night and havent been attacked. The sound is deafening, but I love their music. Then one night, I was pestering one of those little guys with a stick outside my garage and then went inside the house. Moments later I felt someone tapping my shoulder, but noone was in the room. I felt the tap again and saw the huge guy crawling on my shoulder. He got me! It was a mentos moment.
You were born a practical joker!
I have noticed that the cicadas are louder than usual this year. I have been trying to notice at what time of day they start their noise. I used to think they only made noise when it was dark.
Dust, you are the first guy to notice, although not the first person to accuse me.
That weed is like your own personal Shrike!
I am of the cruciform ...
We have weeds on the other side of the fence that are becoming huge. I'd love to tell my neighbors that there's a reason I weed eat, they should try it sometime! :) But I don't have the guts. Instead, I just continue to chop our part down and hope that they get the hint.
Water fights are great if you're the one holding the garden hose! Not so great if you only have a cup! :)
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