Es Verdad Mis Chicos! Yo Vivo!
Please excuse my infrequent postings. I read all of yours but don't always comment because I'm using the computer of the Area Director's secretary. Yikes! (Cuidado...)
Latest update on phoneline/DSL connection. Landlady say if "Telefonico" no show up este semana, Telefone y internet NO ES POSSIBLE para TU! (pues...)
This morning at 5am, that would be about 10pm Thursday evening for all of you in Kansas, I was on the highway making an airport run for the Area Director. Can't say no to him even if it is pitch black in the manana... I was in that lucid cocoon of early,early morning, returning home and crusing along at 140 KPH in a Chrysler stick-shift van, listening to Simon & Garfunkle's Greatests on the CD. Every 20 kilometres or so I would stop to pay a toll and great the sleepy tollkeepers in their futuristic tollbooths. The two-lane highway was an exercise in measuring speed and distance as the huge trucks rumbled along slowly, and the fast lane was occupied by Fiats and Renaults flying past like jetfighters with their brights on. Me and Simon and Garfunkle were content enough on the Super-smooth Autopista in our own quiet way. It was still too early for the sunrise, and the amber lights of the tunnels beneath the mountains flashed across my red eyes in a most hypnotic fashion. Soon I was thinking of my friends (you guys!) and I determined to POST in the office before everyone else woke-up. Here are some images that were rolling through my head:

This is "Fonny" the area director's dog. We get to dogsit her sometimes. She is blind because of her breed. She has a huge square nose and little else. Her tongue is purple and she lets me play with her beefy cheeks. I take her for long walks on the rocks and she likes to fight other dogs. I get alot of exercise from tuggin her chain. Never touch the top of her head. She growls like a monster because she does not always know who is touching her. That is "Fonny"

This is "Fairy" the dishsoap I use. We have no dishwasher except me. It is relaxing... the warm water and suds make me feel special.

This is me feeling special with my hands in the sink.

This is a building in our town that had a natural gas explosion. The top floor was blown into vapor. It killed a family and rained heavy stones down on the cars and people below. I remember seeing clothes in the debris, and exercise equipment, and personal stuff that was never meant to be hanging so exposed to the cold and rain.

This is a close-up of an olive tree. They are everywhere. Straight off the tree they are too bitter and green to eat. They must be cured in salt. There are many different types. Amazing to know how many times olive-oil is mentioned in the Bible. (cheesy metaphor warning:). Amazing that it is a symbol of peace. Amazing because it is so bountiful but ugly tasting before many hands process it.

This is a photo from a sunset walk near our apartment. Notice the Rim Lighting on the surf as it touches the sand. These walks refuel my spiritual tank. I am not as resilient or competent here in Spain. I frequently dip into my reserve tanks to maintain a certain pace. Many times the tank is dry and I wonder at my moods and emotions. I have learned to enjoy myself when writing Spanish Texts for my professora. I know I need to write. When I get to Madrid in two months, I will have internet connection at home and in MY office. You can expect more (more than you will want) of ME!
Latest update on phoneline/DSL connection. Landlady say if "Telefonico" no show up este semana, Telefone y internet NO ES POSSIBLE para TU! (pues...)
This morning at 5am, that would be about 10pm Thursday evening for all of you in Kansas, I was on the highway making an airport run for the Area Director. Can't say no to him even if it is pitch black in the manana... I was in that lucid cocoon of early,early morning, returning home and crusing along at 140 KPH in a Chrysler stick-shift van, listening to Simon & Garfunkle's Greatests on the CD. Every 20 kilometres or so I would stop to pay a toll and great the sleepy tollkeepers in their futuristic tollbooths. The two-lane highway was an exercise in measuring speed and distance as the huge trucks rumbled along slowly, and the fast lane was occupied by Fiats and Renaults flying past like jetfighters with their brights on. Me and Simon and Garfunkle were content enough on the Super-smooth Autopista in our own quiet way. It was still too early for the sunrise, and the amber lights of the tunnels beneath the mountains flashed across my red eyes in a most hypnotic fashion. Soon I was thinking of my friends (you guys!) and I determined to POST in the office before everyone else woke-up. Here are some images that were rolling through my head:

This is "Fonny" the area director's dog. We get to dogsit her sometimes. She is blind because of her breed. She has a huge square nose and little else. Her tongue is purple and she lets me play with her beefy cheeks. I take her for long walks on the rocks and she likes to fight other dogs. I get alot of exercise from tuggin her chain. Never touch the top of her head. She growls like a monster because she does not always know who is touching her. That is "Fonny"

This is "Fairy" the dishsoap I use. We have no dishwasher except me. It is relaxing... the warm water and suds make me feel special.

This is me feeling special with my hands in the sink.

This is a building in our town that had a natural gas explosion. The top floor was blown into vapor. It killed a family and rained heavy stones down on the cars and people below. I remember seeing clothes in the debris, and exercise equipment, and personal stuff that was never meant to be hanging so exposed to the cold and rain.

This is a close-up of an olive tree. They are everywhere. Straight off the tree they are too bitter and green to eat. They must be cured in salt. There are many different types. Amazing to know how many times olive-oil is mentioned in the Bible. (cheesy metaphor warning:). Amazing that it is a symbol of peace. Amazing because it is so bountiful but ugly tasting before many hands process it.

This is a photo from a sunset walk near our apartment. Notice the Rim Lighting on the surf as it touches the sand. These walks refuel my spiritual tank. I am not as resilient or competent here in Spain. I frequently dip into my reserve tanks to maintain a certain pace. Many times the tank is dry and I wonder at my moods and emotions. I have learned to enjoy myself when writing Spanish Texts for my professora. I know I need to write. When I get to Madrid in two months, I will have internet connection at home and in MY office. You can expect more (more than you will want) of ME!
If I didn't know that was a hairnet on your head, I would almost think that you look like a rapper striking a pose.
Fairy dishsoap--very funny!
Great pictures!
No that is what I am talking about - a good post with pictures and stories of your happenings. It is good to here from you and to see what is going on.
I'll be looking forward to your new location in two months,when you be able to post more frequently.
golden, didn't you mean fonny!
We definately look forward to when you can post more. Thanks for bringing a part of your world to us! Good to see you too (hair net and all! :) )
.. life, I love you - all is groooovy.
na na na ne na na na na na na
na na na na naaa naa naa
na na na ne na na na na na na
feelin grooovy
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smooth ads for your post, btw! shameless plugs. I like it!
rockin post. Love the pictures. That's probably one of the cutest funniest dogs I've ever seen. I want some fairy dishsoap... how cute!
We miss you guys.
It looked like the Fairy dishsoap is in a bottle designed like Joy dishsoap! What is "joy" in Spanish?
Also, can you add English subtitles for some of us over here? LOL! =D
Joy in Spanish? Isn't that La Jadee-a?
Dar, I really like the pics. Looking forward to when you can post more often.
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